Hooping and Chakras

Is it me or is hooping (aka hula hooping) a wonderful way to open the lower chakras (1-3)?   Chakras are energy centers in our bodies.  The root chakra, the first of the 7 main chakras in the human body, resides at the base of the spinal column.  Traveling up the spine from the root chakra are six other centers of energy.  Each chakra plays a role in how we feel – mentally, emotionally and physically.

Back to hooping…I bought my Hoopnotic ™ hoop this summer to add some diversity/creative fitness to my primary forms of movement (yoga, cycling, walking the dog and lifting).  Recently I did a two-hour hooping workshop.  Two things I noticed:  1) my already in-shape yoga abs were sore for two days after the workshop.  2) I felt extremely relaxed in my hips/pelvic region.  I’m viewing these as added bonuses to hooping.

The hips/pelvic region is where the base of the spine starts and the first two chakras reside so I’m thinking hooping is a great way to release tense/stressful/negative energy that we store in our lower chakras.  The abdominal/belly region is home to the third chakra and is obviously, based on my hooping experience, impacted by hooping.

The more I type it makes sense that the chakras are impacted by this fun form of movement.  Since I’m brand new to hooping, I’d love to hear from other hoopers on this topic.

7 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by mindbodyspiritdc on August 24, 2008 at 9:26 pm

    check out this new meditation to open all the chakras:


  2. Posted by lauren on September 17, 2008 at 1:07 pm

    I noticed the an energy shift after hooping when I came home from a 10 hour work day last week. I was totally exhausted before I started. I went into the garage and had an hour hoop session to reset my work day mind and body. The session revitalized me for the evening, giving me the energy to make dinner, keep up with my 6 year old, and even have some time to myself to read after he went to bed.


  3. Dear Melody, you are on to something! Yes absolutely, our energy centers are all affected by hooping because the movement of hoopdance ignites our kundlini =) and we can call this creative energy by many names – sexual, divine guidance, creative juices. Ever notice the clarity and inspiration that comes rushing through while in and even out of the hoop? I would encourage exploring all of the energy centers as they are affected and open up to heal tremendously as well. The possibilities are truly infinite!

    In Love, Light & Hoopbliss,


  4. I don’t know the chakras as well as some, but I can definately say I have dealt with a lot of first chakra issues and hooping is bliss for me. It has really helped me deal with my depression and anxiety issues and I feel ecstatic while hooping. It has been truly life changing for me these last 3 months since I’ve discovered hooping. (now only if my back would co-operate! I’m hoping this will limber up my chronic back problems)


  5. Totally with you on this! Wait until you get into Chest Hooping! It’s such a relief for the shoulders, front heart, back heart. It’s totally joyful, freeing and a wonderful exercise for releasing into Anahata…We’re covering Chest Hooping on Sat, Sept 27 at the Mind the Mat (www.mindthemat.com) , Hoop Dance series. Hope you can join!


  6. Great to hear from so many on this topic! I can’t wait to explore more. I think I’m going to try the chest hooping workshop that Jocelyn mentioned above. Sounds a little advanced but I’m curious about the chakra experience.


  7. Thanks for sharing! xo Pixie Hoops


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