Did You Know…???

The yoga BLOG by abellaYoga has a new home:  abellaYoga.com/blog

I continue to write about all things related to yoga (practicing it, teaching it, living it, the business of yoga) so to stay connected, please start following my current blog abellaYoga.com/blog.   Even better if you’re on Facebook it might be easier for you to find me there:  facebook.com/abellaYoga

Until we connect again virtually, namaste 🙂

Melody of abellaYoga has been gratefully teaching office yoga (and private clients) full-time in Washington, DC, Alexandria and Arlington, VA since 2006.  Thankful for experiences gained in the telecom/tech corporate world, this ex-marketing, yoga-chick is happy to share all she knows about yoga with all.  Find her blogging here, scrolling facebook.com/abellaYoga page or on twitter.com/abellaYoga -follow @abellaYoga